March meeting of the EiEWG

The next meeting of the EiEWG will focus on the issue of “Youth in Emergencies“. The meeting will take place March 22nd at 10am at OISE in room 7-105.

We will be sharing and seeking your input on some of the work of the INEE’s Adolescent and Youth Task Team to address the needs of this group. An agenda will follow closer to the event but we are also hoping some of you might be keen to share your work or your findings related to this topic. It has been our experience that the needs of out-of-school youth are often overlooked in emergency responses. The oversight is not only detrimental to the response itself, as youth are poised and able to be of great help to the response but to the longer term welfare of affected communities. In the wake of an emergency, youth are vulnerable to recruitment into military or rebel groups and may be forced to seek out illegal sources of income for themselves and their families.